Simone Op den Kamp

Simone Op den Kamp Lecture:
Arising public zeal from rusty heritage. Sarajevo’s tram workshop intensified.
Day two, Friday 09 October
“They therefore claim that the preservation of this world is a continuous creation and that the words ‘preserve’ and ‘create’, which are contradictions here below, are synonyms in heaven.” – Jorge Luis Borges

Simone graduated with a vision for sustainable development in Sarajevo by means of an architectural and landscape design for the tram service site of Gras. In November 2014 she received her Masters of Science in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences from the Delft University of Technology (NL), under the supervision of Frank Koopman, Job Roos and Gerdy Verschuure. She will present her thesis proposal at this Biennale.

Her designs are characterised by a sensitive approach to context in space and time and are situated in various countries, such as Bosnia, Germany, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, and Spain, where she studied at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Her projects intertwine with the ‘genius loci’ -­‐ the spirit of the place -­‐ and are designed to evolve with time.

In January 2015 Simone joined Mecanoo Architects (Delft, NL), an office with a large portfolio of projects all over the world. She is currently working on the key worker housing development for the University of Cambridge (UK). By coordinating with local contractors, she forms the vital link between technical instances and designers on this assignment.