This years Green Design Biennale Features Adaptive Reuse as a main theme and brings together international networks and knowledge, in the field of green circular design and digitalisation, into a unique multidisciplinary, multi-layered and creative events which is marking the October days in Mostar. Green Design Biennale is founded by Dr.Elma Durmisevic with the aim to set up an interactive platform between creativity and science that will involve all scales of design and engineering from product scale to urban scale. Number of exhibitions, lectures, town-hall discussions and workshops will be organized addressing the state of the art in sustainable design and dilemmas that architecture, urban design, product-design, multimedia, production industries are facing in the 21st century. 15 expert lecturers (architects, urban planners, designers, professors and scholars) from 11 countries will share their experiences and projects regarding green and circular design and how new digital technologies can support design and management of built environment in the future. In addition to the lecturers, the biennial will be attended by 40 master students from 6 faculties of architecture across Europe. Lessons learned form Number of EU projects will be presented during four Townhall meetings in collaboration with 4D architects Amsterdam, Architects Council of Europe, New Bouwhous forum BH and AI Blum Institute.

The EU CARING NATURE project has the ambition to develop and test 10 innovative solutions to reduce the impact of the healthcare sector on the environment, without interfering with the safety of patients and operators. This 3-year collaborative project funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe research and innovation program is involving 19 partners, including Health and Care providers, Universities SMEs and Industries from 11 European countries.
The CARING NATURE project contributes to lower the carbon footprint of the healthcare sector by:
Reducing the environmental impact of buildings, waste and patients’ travel
Increasing governance capability and staff engagement towards this reduction
The project’s outcomes will be sustainable solutions for green health and care, which will be economically effective, affordable and acceptable by patients, citizens and workers.
Digitalization and the role of AI in green and circular city planning and architecture will be elaborated In collaboration with Blum Institute in Sarajevo, building on experience from EU REGEN project and Digital Deconstruction project bought integrating Reversible BIM©ED (E.Dumsevic) methodology and tool emphasising on revisable /circular design principles.
REGEN is an EU-funded project that aims to decarbonise EU neighborhoods by employing a toolbox powered by digital technologies and sustainability assessments.
Project is tackling urgent socioeconomic, climate and built environment challenges by designing a multifaceted Toolbox leveraging cutting-edge digital technologies and life cycle sustainability assessments while engaging citizens and influencing behavioral change.
Green Design Centre in Mostar as a demonstrator of Adaptive Reuse is to become educative public information centre showcasing new concepts and technical solutions for the realization of Dynamic and Circular building concepts and circular use of building materials, water, food, and energy within the built environment. As such Green Design Centre is envisioned as a Innovation Park and design Laboratory.. GDC is showcasing reuse of historic sites and promotes methods to transform and revitalise historic buildings and site by reusing existing structure/ fabric as a socio-cultural and material backbone that sustains the identity and the meaning for the new dynamic programs. GDC building itself is a true showcase of such approach.